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Hoddesdon Parish Church
St Catherines and St Pauls
'The church opposite Morrisons'
Living God's Love in Hoddesdon
Prayer is an vital part of Christian life.
Here are some opportunities to join us:
Morning Prayer
Every Monday at 9.00am in the Church foyer
We pray together in the church on the
First Saturday of each month at 9.45 for10.00am.
During 2020, a Healing Prayer group will meet in the church
Beginning with a short ‘thought for the day,’ followed by prayer requests on behalf of others, or ourselves.
This is followed by a time of prayer, and we close with the Grace, which draws all together as one before we go our separate ways.
At 10.00am on
Monday 13 Jan
Monday 10 February
Monday 19 March
Monday 11 May
Monday 8 June
Everyone is welcome.
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