Hoddesdon Parish Church
St Catherines and St Pauls
'The church opposite Morrisons'
Our children and families activities are growing

Acorns takes place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month while the wider congregation is worshipping
at Holy Communion Service.
All primary age children and youngsters
who are just a little older are welcome to attend too
Activities include hand-craft fun, videos and music, cutting, sticking, gluing and many other fun activities.
Normally the themes discovered mirror those that the adults
are reflecting on in their sermon.

Held during the school holidays this free, very popular and suitable for families with children 0-11 years.
We use our churchyard for a bible-based trail and crafts, finishing with refreshments. It's a great space to gather, do crafts using resources from nature, make friends, and ‘wonder’ about our beautiful world.
We are developing a small Wild Church Garden and bug hotels.
There is a ‘plan B’: in poor weather we move into the church building.
Keep an eye on this website and local advertising for dates.
The cost is completely free and children are guaranteed to have fun!

Tabletop Church is held in Morrison’s Café (opposite our church)
It takes place monthly, 9.15-10.15 am
on a Thursday morning during term-time.
It's for adults, but babies are welcome too!
We enjoy a Bible-based craft, discussions, and free refreshments. It is a great place to make friends.