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We welcome people of all ages and from all backgrounds



Old, young, married, single; people for whom English is not the first language;

families with or without children;

people with and without disabilities.



You may be: 


Someone with no previous experience of church but wanting to explore;


Going through a tough time and looking for solace;


Wanting to find somewhere to say 'thank you' for life;


Someone who has recently arrived in Hoddeson;


Someone with past experience or memories of church, good or not so good!



Getting married, or in a family of a wedding couple,  coming to hear banns read;


Someone with questions about having your new (or not so new) baby christened;




Any of all of the above!






You are most welcome to join us!







Church Exterior Summer.JPG

You'll find our main entrance HERE, in Pauls Lane


Click above to see a video produced by the St Alban's Diocese about churches today

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