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Coming Back into our church building for worship


Responding to lifting of lockdown restrictions after 19th July 2021

As suggested by Church of England we are following government guidance which 'expects and recommends' continued face mask use indoors/in crowded settings.

Please do continue wearing face masks.  

No need to sit socially distanced unless you would like to continue doing so (we will have cards available to reserve seats on either side of you if you like to have space around you).   


You will be welcome to sing with masks on!  

We will continue to share the Peace from a distance (no hugging or handshakes yet!).

We'll continue communion in one kind - no sharing the wine yet until Rachel reviews this after the her holiday - on a principle of taking gentle steps at a time.


Refreshments will start to be served again - outdoors.



Thank you for helping out in this way.


We will continue to live-stream the worship services on our YouTube and Facebook channels. 





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